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Keith Roberts, Professor of Sociology at Hanover College, has not only won teaching awards, but has been honored by several sociological associations for "Distinguished Contributions to Teaching"—including the ASA’s 2010 Award He has published on teaching and conducted workshops around the country. He is a member of the Departmental Resources Group of the ASA, which among other activities involves consulting work with departments of sociology on curriculum and on teaching issues. He is the co-author of Religion in Sociological Perspective, Fifth Edition (SAGE, ©2012), Our Social World (SAGE, ©2011) and Our Social World Condensed (SAGE, ©2010), and a monograph on Writing in the Undergraduate Sociology Curriculum. He is active in the ASA Section on Teaching and Learning, and for the past 21 years has organized and lead workshops for high school sociology teachers. Keith has taught a rather wide range of sociology courses at a two-year campus, at a Research 1 University, and more recently at a very competitive small liberal arts college.
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