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Capital, Melting Glaciers and 2°C: Sustainable Corporate Governance in 21st century
This book is dedicated to those, who wish for a stress-free natural environment for themselves, their children and their children’s children. The narrative tells the story of how investments – a critical factor in the global economy – can mitigate the impact of climate change. Finding a way for the key corporate governance players to reconcile economic and sustainable development criteria is the main theme. This is a point that needs to be understood by the global community, because, unlike financial crises, the ill effects of global warming can not be reversed.
Working on sustainable development issues from the vantage point of corporate governance is a continuous journey, as new topical phenomena emerge and their proper place must be found in the scientific narrative.
Бистра Боева
Проф. Бистра Боева е ръководител на катедра „МИО и Бизнес“ в УНСС. Работила е като консултант на Световната банка и Американската агенция за международно развитие по въпросите на корпоративното управление. Играе водеща роля при създаването на Националния кодекс за корпоративно управление като съпредседател на работната група по проекта.