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Том Филипс е роден в Бъкинамшър през 1964 г. Той е писател на свободна практика и гост-лектор в различни британски и балкански университети. От 1986 г живее в Бристол, но от 2000 г. често пътува до страните от Балканския полуостров, върху които са фокусирани много от литературните му и научни интереси. Публикувал е в много списания, антологии, брошури и има издадени три книги с поезия: Recreation Gfound (Two Rivers Press, 2012) Reversing into the СоИ War (Firewater/Poetry Monthly, 2007) и Bumtng Omaha (Firewater, / 2003).
Заедно c Марина Шидерова са основатели на англо-българския проект за поезия и визуални изкуства, а Том е ангажиран с развиването на една информационна мрежа на писатели и художници от Югоизточна Европа и Обединеното кралство. Автор е на няколко пиеси, от които на най-голям успех в театъра се радват Coastal Defences (Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol, 2014) и 100 Miles North of Timbuktu (Alma Tavern Theatre, Bristol 2013).
Tom Phillips was bom in Buckinghamshire in 1964. He is a freelance writer and guest lecturer at various British and Balkan universities. He has lived in Bristol, UK, since 1986, but since the 2000s he has often travelled to the Balkan peninsula and much of his literary and research interests are focused on the region. He has been published in many magazines, anthotogies and pamphlets and he has published three books of poetry: Recreation Ground (Two Rivers Press, 2012), Reversing into the Cold War (Firewater/Poetry Monthly, 2007) and Burning Omaha (Firewater, y 2003).
He and Marina Shiderova are the founders of an Anglo-Bulgarian poetry and visual art project and Tom is engaged in developing an information network of writers and artists from South East Europe and the UK. He is the author of a number of plays, of which Coastal Defences (Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol, 2014) and 100 Miles North of Timbuktu (Alma Tavern Theatre, Bristol, 2013) have enjoyed the greatest theatrical success.
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